22 Jun Tips & Tricks to Explode Your Growth Online & Off!
Tips & Tricks to Explode Your Growth Online & Off!
Organic growth can come in so many different forms! Get creative when it comes to growing your business and spreading the word to find new buyers or clients! Now that we are starting to transition back to some form of normality too, we’re able to get even more creative in the real world again!
Here are a few of my favorite ways..
Showing up every day is crucial for your organic growth success. You don’t need to post every single day (Do if you can) but at the least, upload helpful tips & tricks or interactions to your stories, engage with others and reply to DM’s & comments.
Engaging with others and showing support to your followers and community is key. It’s not a one way relationship right? The more you engage with others, the more it will bring people to your page. Like, comment, react to stories and start a genuine conversation with people that fall into your desired, client niche! You never know who could come into your life, a new client, a new business partner, even just an amazing contact to grow your biz!
Utilizing advertisement platforms is a great investment and amazing way to promote your business online. Facebook ADs, Google Ads & many more allow you to invest to reach a wide audience that could be potential new buyers or clients. Start with small investments to narrow in on your ideal clients and messaging and always track your numbers (reach out to me if you need help here) And remember, what we don’t measure we can’t improve. Make the smart move when you’re investing time or money.
Guest posting is an amazing FREE way of promoting yourself and your business. There are multiple different blog sites and business sites that allow you to submit an article or a piece of helpful information related to your niche, linked back to your social media or website that can bring in an immense new amount of traffic. A lot of entrepreneurs have found huge success from guest posting!
Here are a few sites that offer free guest posting; Guest Posting Websites!
Word Of Mouth;
Now this is an obvious one, but also one that has been a proven method of growth for years. Simply talking to new people, having conversations and discussing your business can spread the word and create an amazing interest and momentum around your business! Talk to friends, family, get them to speak to more friends, who will more than likely tell even more friends! Get your name out there into everyone’s conversations!
If you run a business that sells a product, you can set up a promotional booth to showcase your product in your local town. If you’re a brand or service business; try arranging an event in your local area where you provide people with information on your business & services. Turn it into a fun occasion with snacks, drinks, games and even a guest speaker! Reach out to your local hotels, cafes, halls or even rent a space especially for the occasion! Make sure you promote, promote, promote, promote as well! Slip into some local shops and cafes, see if they’ll place some flyers to advertise your event, get your local radio station to do a shout out and put up an online campaign; targeted and set up to be seen by your local area audience!
Flyers/Business Cards;
Every business needs a business card! There are tons of amazing websites that offer a great business card creation service (try Vistaprint, they are a personal favorite with high quality cards and multiple design options!) Hand these out any chance you get! Every person is a potential new buyer or client! Make up flyers or posters to have placed around your local town, cafes, salons or restaurants. Your local area is a great way to promote your business to the people around you. We tend to sometimes forget that a huge amount of potential clients could be right next door! Plus, working with someone local allows you to meet up with them, have a chat and a coffee! They’ll also feel more trust in you knowing you are super close by!
Relating back to setting up a promotional booth, you can totally hit the road and do this! If you’re selling a product or an online service, anyone from anywhere can be your client, that’s the real beauty of it! Travel to hold an event based around your business, go on a little promotional tour; this is an awesome way of networking with a wider audience, creating huge brand/business awareness, building new relationships and finding new potential clients! Plus.. it can be so much fun! Grab yourself a biz partner, put on some tunes, grab some car snacks and make it a road trip!
If you feel you need a little more help with your business growth, contact us today to set up your strategy meeting! Let’s discuss finally getting your biz to where it needs to be!
Contact me!