03 May 5 Ways to Get Booked Out This Month
5 Ways to Get Booked Out This Month
Every business owner dreams of being fully booked and not having to worry about where your next client or paycheck is going to come from! A business filled with your ideal, soulmate clients who make your daily work day an absolute dream!
Often more than usual, these kinds of results are closer than you think! So what’s the REAL secret to getting your business fully booked and in demand?!
Let me reveal the secret ingredient…
CONSISTENCY! Yup, once you find a good strategy that works, use and implement it on REPEAT until you’re at the point where you’re so in demand that you can’t even take on any more clients and you’ve got yourself a waitlist (or you can down-sell them into an amazing course that walks them through the 101 basics all your clients need to know first). Always think about having multiple streams of income and multiple ways to help potential clients so you don’t miss out on sales.
Let me help you out in this client closing department a little more..
Here are 5 ways to get on the path to in-demand a little quicker!
Ok captain obvious, I know I know.. But it’s true. Have you ever thought you may not see the results or people you truly want to work with because you may be looking in the wrong place? Which social platform do they use most? You don’t need to be on all of them (that’s a recipe for burnout 𝘕𝘖𝘛 more income). Find where your ideal clients are, then add value, build relationships, and offer solutions to help them (aka your programs and coaching services). Try Instagram, Facebook Groups, LinkedIN. Get into the mind of your ideal client today and think about where they would be!
So you’ve been implementing a strategy for a few months now right? You’re getting trickles of results but nothing worthwhile. It’s time to switch it up. You want to have a strategy that sees volume, consistent results, consistent meetings with new potential clients! Sit down, get focused and change your systems about until the switch goes green, and it works!
Creating content alone is no longer enough, you have to couple that with lead generation & visibility strategies that will grow your audience.
Again, a pretty obvious one. But if you’re posting photos of yourself all the time and not posting much value or education (speaking to pain points and desires of your ideal client) you’re going to continue getting crickets. Post what your dream client would want to see, speak to their most desired result. After you catch their attention, make sure you don’t lose the chance to capture them into your sales funnel by ensuring your profile is optimized and full of content that clearly states what you help them with.
Ok, so we’ve got the content nailed down, you’re working on daily lead generation strategies.. Where is this leading them? Do you have a magnetizing funnel that makes your ideal lead say HELL YES, I want in!
Having a perfect sales funnel creates a system that will make it easier for you to be consistent. All the strategies in the world won’t help if you try them for a week and then give up. Automate where you can and your business will grow MUCH faster. Top tip – the language and words that you use on your sales funnel is what will convert the leads into paying clients! Throwing emails together last-minute just doesn’t cut it these days. Give your marketing emails some thoughts, tell relatable stories so you build your authority and trust factor quickly. Speak to their desired results and what they want to avoid so they know you understand them.
Stay on top of those leads! You want to track all your leads, categorize them into cold, warm and HOT! Leads that are cold, often you can make a smaller offer into a lower ticket (there’s no harm in trying!) warm and hot leads, you need to stay on top of these the most!
If you don’t know your numbers, you’ll never know where to focus first (or next) to hit your income goals. You want to do more of what’s working and less of what’s not and the only way to know this is through tracking your results. Go back to your tracking sheet at the end of every 2-4 weeks and see who out of the warm and hot leads hasn’t yet made a purchase – you can offer them a new strategy call to catch up (reconnection is so important), a bonus to get them inside your program or something lower ticket! This way, even if they don’t sign as a client you’ll still make a sale!
Want help setting up a lead-generating system that will attract your dream clients with ease and get you fully booked in the next few months? Over at the Smart Growth Academy we specialize in showing entrepreneurs like you, simple and effective ways to get fully booked without the stress of being on your phone or social media 24/7! If you’re ready to quit the paid ads that aren’t giving you an ROI and the cold dm’s that lead to nowhere..this is your sign!
You can book a FREE 1:1 Strategy Session with me today, let’s map out your fully booked blueprint TODAY! BOOK YOUR SESSION >>> HERE!