5 Morning Habits Every Business Owner Needs!

5 Morning Habits Every Business Owner Needs!

5 Morning Habits Every Business Owner Needs!

Good morning busy biz owner! Have you set out good habits for your morning routine? Let me share my favorites!

Waking up early;

Waking up early gives you a chance to get everything you want done before other people’s demands throw you off track! Aim to have all your needle-mover tasks done by 1pm. You’ll stay more productive and focused when you have shorter deadlines. Waking up early has so many positive benefits, not only will it allow you to get more done and be finished earlier to relax in the evening; waking up early is also good for the mind. There’s something about the morning time that is so pure and calm for the mind, it feels like there are so many new possibilities at the earliest time of day. Nature is at it’s finest, go outside for a walk, meditate or even just sit outside for 5 minutes and take in those beautiful surroundings of a new day, it can help set your mind on a positive track for the day. Alongside that, waking up early is good for your mental health in general; I don’t know about you but when I sleep past a certain time, I begin to panic a little, stress builds up and suddenly all of the enjoyable tasks become overwhelming as there’s just not enough hours left to do it all. Get yourself up girl, make that bed and take the day head on with everything you got.

Eat A Good Breakfast;

Fuel your brain! The key is sticking to healthy energy-boosting foods like superfood smoothies or some eggs and berries. Heavy carbs boost the sleepy-time hormones in our bodies so avoid cereal, donuts, bagels etc and save your carbs for dinner instead. Hydration is key as well. When we sleep, we’re going 7-8 hours without water so we wake up dehydrated. Start your day off with a tall glass of water (add some lemon for even more energizing and cleansing goodness) and you’ll instantly feel more awake and ready to take on the day. Try having a snack around 11am too, this is a good time to refuel and give yourself a little energy boost!

Write Out Your Goals;

This is my favorite part! Writing your goals for the day helps you visualize them and create a structure for what order you want to get things done in! Try setting 5 small goals everyday to achieve, these will add up to working towards your overall bigger goal! Think about the bigger goal, break it down into little chunks, what 5 things could you do today to make reaching that big one much easier?

Give Yourself A Timeline;

This is everything! Giving yourself a timeline shows you what you can realistically get done within a certain timeframe or where you need to be faster and more efficient. As a business owner, it also means you’re not working crazy hours and burning yourself out. You need to set yourself a schedule as an entrepreneur, otherwise you’ll be working 24/7 and the whole purpose of working for yourself is to have more freedom so it’s up to you to set this boundary. Down time, self care, and sleep are vital to ultimate business success and happiness. Without it, how are you supposed to let all that awesome creativity flow?!

Don’t Forget To Take Breaks;

Look, I understand how much you want to power through and get things done (I’m guilty here too) but how can you expect to get things done at a high quality when you don’t have the energy? You need short breaks to reenergize, even just for 5 minutes each hour to stretch, do some jumping jacks or drink some water, this will absolutely boost your work quality and productivity. For the next week, try following these tips and see for yourself, the huge improvement that it can bring to your personal life and business schedule!


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Meghan C

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