06 Dec The Best Places To Find Your New Ideal Clientele!
The Best Places To Find Your New Ideal Clientele!
It’s so exciting starting a new business, you get the highs and the lows and sometimes finding your perfect, ideal client can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack!
Here are my top recommendations for finding new clients! 👇🏼
Instagram (Hashtags);
– If you use the right strategy, and source within the right hashtags you will be able to find and connect with some ideal clients very easily! For example, if your ideal client is a brand designer or web designer you could look within #branddesign #webdesigner #creativentrepreneur – connect with your ideal client then by engaging on their posts and starting a conversation! Get into the mind of your ideal client – think about what they do and what they may be looking for! Instagram hashtags can help narrow down a niche very quickly!
Facebook Groups;
– Facebook groups are a fantastic source for networking and connecting with new people! You’d be amazed at the relationships you can build! Contributing value and tips inside groups will attract people to you, they may reach out to enquire about your services! You can join the right groups, share your offers or freebies and the right audience will be sure to connect with you! Going LIVE on Facebook is another great resource, a lot of groups will let you go live to share you expertise – this brings you and your business to life, plus it stays uploaded for people to rewatch! You never know who might see your video!
Local Connections;
– Online is becoming more and more popular for the world of business, but don’t forget that you could have a lot of potential clients at right your doorstep! In your local town or city, you can reach out to venues and host an evening where you showcase your services or attend local events to mix with other businesses! Connecting with local potential clients as well builds trust as they know you are right next door and can meet in person when needed!
Get creative when it comes to finding new clients, the world is your oyster! You just need to hunt for the pearls in the right places!
To make your client search that little bit easier, I’m launching a 5 Day Client Attraction Bootcamp!
Where you will learn how to get your ideal clients coming to you! In this 5-day bootcamp, we’ll be sharing a behind-the-scenes look at how we run our businesses! It’s time to start attracting those ideal clients you LOVE working with so business becomes FUN again! We will show you how – link to join below!